Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jordan = Worst Blogger in the World

For real guys. I suck at this.

However, I have a ton of good stuff to post about. All about my life these days and all of the crazy things that have gone on lately. Including me having to do a field sobriety test on Lindsey Street while completely sober. 


But anyway, I really don't have the time to write a long post and really put effort into it. So I'm going to save it for another day. But just know I do have a new one in the works.

The only thing that I currently have on my mind that I want to get down though is this. I am completely, 100% ready for change. I'm glad I had last semester to give me some time to disconnect but now I can honestly say I'm ready to move on. Bring on the next phase.

Now if only I knew what that next phase was. :/

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