Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A New Year and A New Direction

My my my. I once again have failed miserably at keeping this old blog of mine updated. Not that I did a whole lot in the month of December, but for the sake of posterity, I'll make some time this week to go back and write about all that happened during the last month or so of 2010.

Of course, there was Thanksgiving. 3 of them, to be exact. And a road trip to northern Spain/southern France. And all of the Christmas festivities/traveling home for the break. So I think all of that merits some attention, don't you?

But as for now, I just want to jot down a few of my recent revelations and goals that will (hopefully) take place over the course of 2011. Some of this stuff is still relatively new in my mind, so forgive me if it seems like I'm rambling because I'm still working it all out for myself.

1. While at home over Christmas break, I was given the very strong conviction that this will be my last year in Spain and that it is time for me to hang up the proverbial dancing shoes and start that next phase of life. I'm actually pretty comfortable with the decision. However, that decision itself led to several other goals being put in place, such as.....
2. Getting my resumé redone and ready for job applications. This is more of an immediate goal than a long-term one, but it's currently at #1 on the list of things to do. I would really like to nail a job down by the summer, and I think it's doable. But one thing I would LOVE to know: why oh why does resumé-making have to be so damn difficult?
3. Traveling will be a priority for me over the next few months. Seeing as how these are my last months in Europe, I know I need to take advantage of the cheap and easy travel opportunities available to me here. When will I ever be able to take a weekend trip to Paris or Rome or Amsterdam or Morroco (and on and on and on) ever again?
4. I know I say this over and over again, but I really want to give some attention to my poor old blog. Poor thing is going to start having abandonment issues before long.

I know there's more rolling around this great big head of mine, but I'm exhausted right now and it's all I have the patience to write. Guess I'm not doing too hot on #4 just yet.

It's a work in progress.

But anyway, the point is that I feel like 2010 was a year of uncertainty as I really had no idea where I was going in life. But I have a strong feeling that 2011 is going to be a big year.

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